Friday, March 18, 2011

African American Comunity

African American Comunity? Why, you ask?

The reason I choose to discuss our African American Communities is because of a topic that I wish to bring up that I feel is nation wide. Briefly, insight on my thoughts regarding this topic. I came accross some parents and their children, african american, discussing how thow they encourage violence with in their home. One parent suggested that she would even drive her thirteen year old daughter to another childs home just so that they can fight. The parents were saying that they were going to fight as well and this is the problem. My question is are the parents adults or just childish individuals who choose to act with such stupidty?

Majority of the prisons, and jail cells are overcrowded with African American boys and girls. Are we just standing by waiting to see if school officals are going to be that role model in our childs life?

I am a mother of a two year old and I expect her to throw tantrums and cry but I do not expect and adult to act the way a child would. I log on to facebook and I see girls bickering back and  forth. They are talking about hating on some one, beefing, sex, pregnacy, alcohol, swagger and etc. Too many young girls are getting pregnant and too many youg boys are in jail cells. As parents in the black community we need to stop blaming the government for everything and start taking action within our own homes. The first role model is always the parent, so what you do influences your childs behavior and what he inspires to do or become. Its up to us as parents to be that role model. Instead focusing on partying, and what we are going to wear, and finding a man or woman, and unneccessary things we should put that focus on our children.

Any one can buy nice things for a child and put a roof over there head, but it does not mean that you are a parent just because you pay bills, and yell at them from time to time. I say my African American Comunity because from some of the parents that I have seen they all have been a huge disappoint to what Dr. King fought for. So this is the now, a world where history means so little and stands for nothing. Dr. King marched for freedom and we in turn imprision ourselves with in prisons, jail cells, hospitals, rehabs, and grave yards. I love the fact that I am an african american woman. I want to uplift my black community; I am afraid to say that if we do not change and if we do nothing the Black Community will cease to exist in history, in time, and in life.